ROSEMONT, ILL. – Dairy Management Inc. (DMI) announced it is now accepting entries for the 2024 edition of its annual innovation contest for college students, the DMI New Product Competition.

The contest, which is open to both undergraduate and graduate students in the United States, looks to highlight inventive dairy product concepts.

DMI shared that the dairy checkoff has found consumers are seeking dairy products that come with health and wellness benefits, whether that be related to digestion, immunity, joint health/mobility or general health. The 2024 competition aligns with those themes.

Winning teams will be recognized at the American Dairy Science Association’s 2024 annual meeting. The first-place team will receive $10,000, while second place gets $7,000, third place earns $4,000 and each of the three other teams that make the final six collect $2,000 apiece.

The competition’s entry deadline is set for Jan. 15, 2024. More details are available on the US Dairy website

Earlier this year, students at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls earned first place in the 2023 competition. The winning product was described as resembling a soft pudding, with a smooth and velvety texture, containing 89% dairy ingredients and featuring a calming function.