HUNTSVILLE, ALA. – Artisan goat cheese maker Belle Chevre Inc. introduced two new products that are joining its foodservice portfolio.

The company launched 1.5 oz portion cups of spreadable goat cheese, as well as 2.3 lb tubs of flavored goat cheese cubes. Marinated in extra virgin olive oil blends, the larger jars are sold under the company’s CHEVOO brand, which it acquired in 2022.

Belle Chevre said the cups of spreadable goat cheese come in three flavors: original, honey and fig. The company shared that it produced the new 1.5 oz cups for bagel shops, grab-and-go establishments and airlines, adding that it expects other foodservice providers will appreciate the single-serving cups, as well.

The larger jars of CHEVOO marinated chèvre, the company said, are sold in compact, resealable tubs for foodservice operators. Belle Chevre shared that each tub contains 75 fresh goat cheese cubes that are steeped in the brand’s extra virgin olive oil blends. The CHEVOO products are available in five flavors: Original (Smoked Salt & Rosemary), Urfa Chili & Lemon, Herbes de Provence, Italian Black Truffle, and Dill Pollen & Garlic.

The company said it opted for large tubs of pre-cubed CHEVOO goat cheese to meet the needs of chefs and foodservice operators – for portion-controlled products and healthy upscale additions to menus. Per Belle Chevre, CHEVOO may be added to soup, salad, flatbread, pasta and other dishes, while the extra virgin olive oil blends may be used as dipping oils or to sauté vegetables and proteins.

“In a landscape marked by a surge in food delivery, a quest for healthier options and a continued interest in new flavors, we believe our new formats will meet these consumer and foodservice operators’ demands,” said Pierre Guérin, president and co-owner of Belle Chevre. “By providing our unique cheeses in foodservice formats, we offer solutions for operators seeking to enhance their menus with new flavors and health-conscious offerings, all while controlling costs.”

The company said it will have a booth highlighting its variety of goat cheese products at the upcoming IDDBA show in Houston (June 9-11).